PAGEV Voc-Test Center Project

Turkish Plastics Foundation’s EU-funded Vocational Knowledge and Skill Test and Certification Center (VOC Test Center) grant project that is intended to provide testing and certification to the occupations within the plastics industry was approved by the Central Finance and Contracts Unit in 2011.

With this project we aim to:

1) Identify occupations within the plastics industry and engineer the “Occupational Standards” that define knowledge and skills required for 9 plastics industry-related occupations;

2) Engineer the “National Qualifications” regarding 4 plastics industry-related occupations to define competencies of individuals who work and want to work in the industry;

3) Include the plastics industry-related occupations in the “National Qualifications Framework” after defining the National Qualifications;

4) Design theoretical and applied performance measuring and evaluation systems for the nationally-qualified occupations;

5) Establish the PAGEV Voc-Test Center – Plastics Industry Personnel Certification Center with a complete organizational structure;

6) Achieve TS EN ISO 17024 Personnel Certification Body Accreditation from TÜRKAK;

7) Be certified by the Vocational Qualification Institute (VQI) as an “authorized body”; and

8) Carry out an evaluation at the PAGEV Voc-Test Center to give “VQI Qualification Certificates” to those who pass.


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