Building & Construction
In 2010, the Building and Construction sector consumed 9.54 million tonnes of plastics (21% of total European plastics consumption), making it the second largest plastic application after packaging. Plastic pipes, for instance, command the majority of all new pipe installations, with well over 50% of the annual tonnage. And this share is still growing.
Although plastics are not always visible in buildings, the building and construction industry uses them for a wide and growing range of applications including insulation, piping, window frames and interior design. This growth is mainly due to plastics' unique features, which include:
Durability and resistance to corrosion
Plastics are durable, making them ideal for applications such as window frames and pipes. Furthermore, their anti-corrosion properties provide them with an impressive life span which can reach over 100 years for plastic pipes and 50 years for underground and exterior cables.
Plastics provide effective insulation from cold and heat, prevent leakages and allow households to save energy while also reducing noise pollution.
Cost efficiency
Plastics components often cost less than traditional materials to produce and install, even in custom-made forms.
Minimum operation and maintenance
With plastics, maintenance is minimised and often dispensable. Plastics are easy to install, operate and maintain thanks to their lightweight and, in the case of plastic pipes, their flexibility allows them to cope with soil movements.
Plastic pipes are ideal for water transportation. Plastics also stand as a hygienic choice for household surfaces and floor coverings as they are easy to clean and impermeable.
Plastics save resources through cost-effective production, ease of installation and long life span. In a typical house, it is estimated that the amount of energy used to produce plastics insulation products is saved after only one year using them! Moreover, these plastics can be re-used, recycled or turned into energy.
Over the past decades, plastics have inspired architects to design buildings with innovative shapes, features and dimensions. Moreover, their characteristics are constantly improved, thus contributing to reducing the cost and increasing the efficency of buildings.
Fire safety
Historically, many plastic products in B&C have been assessed according to their reaction and resistance to fire. Smoke detectors, alarms and automated fire fighting systems are moslty made of plastics and the success of PVC, the leading polymer in the sector, is largely due to its intrinsic fire safety characteristics. Furthermore, the development of the Fire Safety Engineering approach – which assesses the fire behaviour of a product in different scenarios in a defined environment – is expected to be introduced in regulations allowing the further use of plastics while maintaining or even improving fire safety.
Did you know ?
Baggage made of polycarbonate resin are ultra-light (light enough to be held with your forefinger when the bag is empty) and yet highly durable.
More than 50 per cent of all medicine products worldwide are made of plastics.
The world is spending 16 billion one-way plastics syringes per year.
Plastic whisper brakes in freight trains are only half as loud as conventional brakes.
A large German automobile manufacturer is using recycled PET bottles for seat cushions in some of their car product series.
A new polymer can heal itself when damaged similar to the human skin.
Main countries of Europe will save at least 78.000 tons of plastics per year if the produced pens were made from recycled plastic.
This pen with a water bottle shape is called B2P (From bottle to pen) and is made of 89% of plastic coming from recycled bottles of water.© Pilot
The first bio-based car was build 73 ago with a body made of soybeans/hemp (70%) and resin binder (30%)
The typical life span of plastic applications in building and construction is 30 to 50 years, with many plastics pipes installed over 50 years ago still functioning well
Selling grapes in plastics trays or bags has reduced in-store waste of grapes by 20%.
The plastics Industry launched over 180 projects worldwide for solutions on marine litter.
Researchers at Texas A&M University have developed a spongy plastic that could help regenerate broken bones.
Thanks to plastics bikes went on diet and dropped weight: 20 kg in 1903 -> 6.8 kg in 2014 !
An Indian teacher of chemistry known as Plastic Man has built more than 5000 km of roads with plastic waste.